Sunday, May 24, 2020

Starting Up Again

Its taken a little bit to get back into the full swing of things. Various things going on at the moment. But, I the ability to be creative and work on my writing has started to pick up again. 

Is a slight bit of an issue as I have two stories going on at once right now. And not sure what effect this is going to have on the outcome of either of the stories. May have to make some adjustments here and there as things progress. Not sure, will have to wait and see what happens. 

As it is now, got the next in the City Of Angels going, and is turning out relatively well so far, and I've got a new fantasy starting up at the same time. Might not be a good idea to make an attempt at doing both at once, but my initial thought it that it'll help at least a little with fatigue setting in. Might be a good thing, might be a bad thing. Is a bit to early to tell right now. 

At the moment, am just gonna keep forging ahead and see where this takes me. If adjustments need to be made, then so be it. I'll go down that road when I come to it. For right now, seems to be working so I think I'll stick with it for at least the time being. 

Will just have to wait and see.