Saturday, October 12, 2019

First Rewrite

There were just to many problems I was having with this draft of the new novel for me to work my way around. The whole thing just wasn't coming out how I wanted it, and no matter how much I tried, for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to fix it all. It was going to be more than just a few changes here and there.

The whole tone just seemed to be off to me. It wasn't what I wanted. So, in order to fix everything, I did something I've resisted for about a week now, even though I knew this is what was going to end up happening anyway. I've scrapped the whole thing.

Well, let me revise that a bit, I kept the prologue, because that came out fine. Everything else though, had to go. I think most of the issue was, that the tone I wanted with a certain character, went a little to far. And once I got into it, it changed how everything else was being written. It actually got to the point where the interactions i wanted to have, that I actually need to have for this story weren't going to be possible.Just a little bit overboard turned into full blown spiraling descent.

Not what I intended. The good thing is, I get a fresh start at everything, and not everything that I wrote couldn't be salvaged. I'll end up probably using a lot of it, just re-written to fit better in with what I envision in my mind.  Everything is going to play out in the same order, and mostly in the same way, but the tone is going to be a bit different. It needs to be if I'm going to get anywhere and if I want to avoid the same problem.

I hate writing myself into a corner. That's never any good.

And this is nothing new. I had to do something very similar with Nightwalker. I got to a certain point and it just didn't feel right. So I went back and redid the whole thing. Thankfully, I wasn't as far into this novel as I was into Nightwalker when I started over. Still, losing twelve chapters and a few weeks of work is a bit upsetting.

The hope is however, that something better will come out of all of this. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. That's the hope anyways. It could go very wrong, but it also could go very right. It all depends on how I approach things.

And truthfully, the more you write, the better it gets anyway. Usually. We'll see how it goes with this one. It's actually flowing a lot better already. That's always a good sign.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

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    Adriana Lucas
    lsarkard AT
