Monday, November 18, 2019

Work In Progress

It's taken a while, but I think I'm finally back in the swing of things.This was a very productive weekend for my writing. I think I've finally managed to get past the block that was holding everything up.

Thankfully it wasn't anything like writers block. that would have made everything a lot worse. No, this was just something that kept getting in the way of the story moving forward, and I think I've finally, after four rewrites, found a way to get around it. I just had to change up a few things, actually a lot of things, but I think this way it actually makes the whole story and how it effects everything a lot better.

I hope so anyways.

I'm finally past that part though, and tomorrow I can start on progressing the story farther than I've been able to thus far. Hopefully the ball will get rolling again and I can speed things along and get back on track. That's the hope anyway.

I honestly didn't think that writing this type of emotion was going to cause that much of a problem. Unfortunately, for the characters that are involved, there's no way around it. It has to be done. I just have to be able to write it in a  way that doesn't throw a wall in front of the whole story. i do think I've got it though, and with a few tweaks going forward, I shouldn't run into the problem any more. At least that's the plan anyway.

I tried taking the whole thing out, and not writing it at all, but honestly, its a necessary part. It's what would logically occur so not having it in just seems forced to me. Trying to make the characters do something that they wouldn't actually do never works when I write. Don't know why.

Not that it's a bad thing exactly, it just makes things more difficult and causes way more time to be spent on certain aspects than i'd prefer. Oh well, I guess that's just how it goes.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

3rd Rewrite

Working on the 3rd full rewrite right now. It's aggravating. To have to toss away so much work and restart as many times as I have so far, is making it difficult to get any progress done. Not quite sure what the problem is, but I keep getting to a certain point, and it all just seems to stop.

It's not writers block, not by any stretch of the imagination. It's more like reaching a point where the story is starting to go off in a direction and with a feel that I don't want it too. Part of it has to do with certain character interactions and reactions to said interaction. It starts to bog down and get overwhelming to the point where continuing on with the path its on is no longer tenable.

That's not good. I'm looking on the bright side though, and taking it as a learning experience. Each new successive draft gets easier and easier to start writing on, and I'm getting better at avoiding the same pitfalls I've been falling into. Hopefully this will work out all for the best in the end. Though, kind of hard to tell from where I'm at right now.

But, I've got a full weekend to get as far as I can, and I plan on taking full advantage of it. So far so good. We'll have to see how far I get and how the story progresses.

I know what has to be done, and where I need to go, just getting through all the stuff that keeps getting in the way is the issue. But, I think I've got a good handle on it. Just have to keep at it and keep plugging away. This is a very difficult book so far, but I think It'll all turn out for the best. Gotta keep at it, and keep positive.

That's the only way to go.