Saturday, October 19, 2019

Slow and Steady

This is taking me a lot longer than it should, and I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it. I'm not stuck at the same spot I was last time, and the writing is actually starting to go a lot faster now that I've had to go back and start all over, but something still seems off and I can't quite put my finger on it.

Every time I start to write, I get this feeling of almost dread I want to say, coming over me. Like I know what's coming and I don't want to get into it. It's making it difficult to proceed any further. I know I'm not going to get caught up in the same trap that got me doing a full rewrite this early, but that doesn't seem to be stopping the feeling from rearing up and getting in the way.

Very annoying. Especially since the actual writing is actually coming out a lot better than what I had down on paper previously. Which, when you think of that part, makes no sense why I'd be apprehensive about going forward.

Hopefully it's just a phase that I need to work through. The important part is getting to work, keeping to the schedule and not letting whatever the hell this is distract or interrupt the process. Because aside form that, I'm really liking what I'm getting down on paper so far. I think it's turning out nicely, and I know where and how to avoid the pitfalls that dragged everything down last time. So that shouldn't be a problem.

Plus I've got plenty of coffee so that helps.

Book three is starting out very action intensive, and that's actually pretty easy and very quick to write normally. I just need to make sure everything flows together like it's supposed to. Having to constantly stop and put letters in the correct order aside, I'm making a lot of progress. It's not as fast as it usually is, but still not all that slow either. It's steady.

Probably won't be getting this one out as fast as the last too, but speed isn't a goal, the story is. So that's what i have to focus on. Getting the story out and told in the way that I'm happy and satisfied with it. So far so good. Just have to push through this little voice in the back of my head is all.

Stupid voice, go bother someone else.

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