Monday, September 16, 2019

Sneak Preview

Ok, outside of another quality pass through, the edits and revisions for Cherubim are finally completed. I actually stayed up all night to finish out the last few chapters, but I got it done.

As I expected though, the last few chapters had to be heavily revised to change how a certain character was presented and finally dealt with in the end. It took a lot of work, and the scenes actually left me feeling a bit drained in the end. It was a tough scene to properly write out, let alone get it where I wanted it to be. I think it worked out well, but we'll have to see how it all turns out when all is said and done.

That being said, apparently I didn't completely mess up the cover file, was just a collapsed frame that was making it look like all the layers were all smooshed together. That was a relief. I still had to redo it, because Cherubim clocks out at 370 Pages, and over 105k words. That's quite a bit larger than Nightwalker was. Granted Nightwalker has a larger format, so the page count is going to be higher in Cherubim. But it's still over 30k longer just in story regardless.

I think Nightwalker was just over 71k, so with this next installment it's like I added a whole other half to the word count. But, the story required it, and it's actually not that much in the grand scheme of things. A lot went on in this story. And now it's time to do all the behind the scenes work that goes into publishing.

That may take a little while longer. But we'll see how it goes. For now, here is a look at the new and improved cover.

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