Sunday, December 8, 2019

Forward, always Forward

It's taken me a while to fully get back into the swing of things. Outside of somehow catching the flu during the holiday, I seem to keep running into a wall with this one. It's actually kind of aggravating how this keeps happening. I don't think I've ever had this much difficulty writing before. And all of it comes down to the interaction between two characters.

I've thought about removing the character from this story entirely, but the problem with that is, if I do that, the whole story would end up following after her. This character is integral to the story, and the overarching story so she's kind of important. Problem comes in with having to deal with her interactions with Heaven. Which isn't getting any easier.

I do think I'm getting past the bump finally though. A lot of it has to do with initial feelings and preconceptions. Which is draining as all hell to write, but once I can work my way past this and get over the speed-bump, then everything else will eventually fall into place and everything will start coming together like it should. Just got to get to the top and then everything (as far as this point is concerned) is downhill from there so to speak.

Just gotta get to that point. And that's taking quite a bit of time. Sad part it, I'm gonna have to go through all of this all over again when I get finished and start going back chapter by chapter to edit and rewrite. that's a ways off so I can kinda ignore that for now. But it's gonna be there waiting for me.

Gotta keep at it though. Do NOT want to have to start all over for a fourth or fifth time. That will just make everything take longer and I'll never get out of the "slump". I think it's actually going better though. just gotta keep focused and keep myself pushing forward. That's the key.

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