Saturday, December 21, 2019

Very Productive

So far, this weekend has been very productive. Outside of a few bumps in the road during the week, I've actually managed get a hell of a lot done. A three chapter scene is done, and i can move on to the next part. The ball is definitely rolling along now.

Am honestly surprised that this particular scene went this long. Was expecting a chapter, maybe two, but things just kept going and going and going. Not in a bad way. it's an action type scene, and they do tend to fill up rather quickly. And I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. It's a good way to amp up the threat of the antagonists and show just how dangerous the situation really is.

 Plus it gives a good bit of reasoning behind some of the backstory in the world. Kinda explains just why things are the way they are sorta thing. Always got to fit in some world building when you can. It helps flesh out the world and it makes the story better when you're able to understand the why of it all. Why things happen, why characters look at things the way they do. Plus it does kind of illustrate why Heaven found herself in the position she was in for so many years as well.

That's always a good thing. Builds up the world, threads out plot points here and there, and gives me ideas for the future that I can work with. Even if I wasn't initially planning on taking the story or characters (Heaven especially) in a certain direction. It's all a neverending work in progress. And that's a good thing.

At least I think so.

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