Saturday, August 31, 2019

256 Page Mark

I'm now onto Chapter Twenty Six of CHERUBIM, and the story is just about to hit the final phase. The big climactic ending is coming. Or, at least, what I hope is going to be a big and climactic ending anyway.

This is very likely to be a very long multi-chapter scene that I'm actually going to have to plan out a little bit. That's probably going to take up a good portion of the next writing session is just planning out where I want to go and how I want to get there. I have quite a few ideas, but I'm not sure what I'm going to fully do as of yet. But it will be helpful in getting a rough idea of the flow of things.

I generally don't do much of an outline before I start writing. It's more of a bare bones type of approach where I just map out the very basics of this is the main plot, this is the villain, I want the story to start here, end here and maybe put in a few scenes in between that I know have to/want to put into the story. Then I just basically start writing and go from there and see how everything fits together when it comes out.

I really don't map out scenes, I like letting them flow out, then go back and tinker with them afterwards, but this time it's going to include a lot of people so I have to be sure I'm able to keep track of who and what is where. Plus there's this particular part I'm going to need to have written, so I'm going to need to make sure everything is kind of working around and with that part of the scene. It's kind of integral to the plot and how everything all has been building too and working from. So it is kind of necessary.

Other than that, we are steadily moving into the endgame. Should be fun, and hopefully it turns out how I want it to. I'd hate to have to do a major rewrite when I'm so close to the end of the first part of the process.

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