Sunday, August 18, 2019

When Characters Don't Play Nice Together.

Chapter Nine of CHERUBIM is done for now. Took a lot longer than I expected or wanted it to, and I'll still probably have to go back and do a bit of revisions when I get to that step. I wanted to move past everything between Kore and Flavius, but then I realized, that's not going to happen. I'm going to need to deal with a little bit of fallout, so that's turning into Chapter Ten.

I probably should have envisioned Kore being a little more sensible, her stubbornness is becoming a real pain to deal with. But it's part of who she is, and at least as far as CHERUBIM is concerned, it's going to lead to a better narrative because it's giving me the perfect opportunity for Heaven to grow as a character. But still, it is a pain to have to write. Fun, in its own twisted way, but difficult.

True, I could change the characters to fit the story, but then it becomes forced. It's more natural for the characters to dictate how the story unfolds. Within reason anyways. And sometimes, doing that gives opportunities that you hadn't really thought of until they flew out and smacked you in the face.

Chapter Ten is about halfway done, and it's looking like it's going to lead into the next chapter going in a direction I hadn't thought of. Which is a good thing. It's going to pick things up quite a bit, and force some choices on a few characters. Whether they make good choices I don't know yet, I'll get there when I get there. Either way, it'll probably make for a good story.

Can't have everything going right all the time anyways.

On top of that, I'm trying to work on and settle on how the cover is going to look. Not sure if I like any of the ideas so far, but that is coming along nicely. It's fine for right now, still got a whole hell of a lot of time before its needed, but it's good to have an idea of how things are going to look.

We'll see.

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