Monday, August 19, 2019

Drama Out The Way

I think I've finally gotten a hold of the necessary drama that needed to be dealt with the last few chapters. As bad as it seemed initially going in, I think it's going to end up moving the story in a good direction. It forced a character to do something they normally wouldn't do, because of the fallout from said drama. Which is going to lead to some very interesting scenes coming up next.

Which, if i planned this out right, is going to involve quite a bit of action, lots of blood, and more than likely a whole lot of fire. So that'll be interesting. CHERUBIM is going really good so far, and is turning out better than expected. I am so not complaining about that.

That being said, I've got quite a few review copies out, so i can add at least some editorial reviews to the book details for NIGHTWALKER. And quite a few other people have picked up copies as well to read, and hopefully be inspired to give reviews and/or critiques.

It actually feels pretty good knowing that people are picking up, reading, and hopefully enjoying what I've written. I know though, can't please everyone, so I'm just taking everything as it comes. But so far so good.

Still waiting on the paperback copies to arrive. Hopefully sometime this week between TUES -THURS. That would be good. Be able to hold a physical copy of all of my work in my hands, and be able to feel the pages. That's going to be a good feeling. And something I've always wanted to be able to do.

As always though, one step at a time.

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