Sunday, August 11, 2019

Chapter Five is done

Due to a little bit of a bout of insomnia, I've actually managed to get quite a bit of writing done today. Chapter Five of the first Draft of CHERUBIM is done and in the tank so to speak. I was a little leery of writing this part at first though.

I'm generally not a fan of writing any intimate type of scenes, just because a lot of times they feel gratuitous and not really needed for the story. But for the two characters involved, I felt it needed to be written in there, and I think it came out pretty good. I'll most likely revising a whole lot of it, but it's looking pretty good where it's at so far. We'll have to see when I get the rest of the story down on paper and make sure it fits in with everything else.

I usually don't think I'm very good at writing that sort of thing anyway. I've been told differently by other people before, but when it's in my head, it's in my head. I've got to learn to , not ignore that voice, but take it with a large grain of salt. There's always the chance i'm going to be too critical of myself and my work like I usually am, and that's never a good thing.

On an unrelated note, Amazon apparently thinks City of Angels, the series title, should be spelled City of Angeles. Which, I highly disagree with. So now I'm finding myself having to wait while the novel details of NIGHTWALKER get changed to how they should be. Why it's taking their system so long to change one little word when everything else has already been accepted is beyond me, but that's how it goes I guess.

i think i fight fiddle with the cover idea I have for CHERUBIM a little bit more.

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