Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Heading into the Finale

I'm coming into the final stretch here. it was another light day, but I managed to actually get things set up for the next chapter where we can start the final push towards the end. I'm thinking this next part is going to take a few chapters just to set the final scene, and get everyone in place where I want them to be.

I'm pretty sure the finale for CHERUBIM is going to be pretty long, there is a lot of things that I'm going to have to get through to close out the story while keeping other things open, and possibly opening up new threads.

Well, there are a few threads that are purposely going to be unanswered, because I'm going to need them to lead somewhere sometime down the road. I'm just not sure when that is going to be. But i do have a plan in mind, and an overarching plot is starting to take form. At least in my head anyways. That's probably going to be a long ways away however.

In the meantime, I've been steadily working and sending out review copies of NIGHTWALKER, while I've been busily setting up other things on the back end to keep this whole thing moving forward. Who knew how much work behind the scenes all of this was going to be. It's worth it though, and for now I'm enjoying the process. Whether it gets anywhere or not is anyone's guess.

But i'll have all night to plan things and roll things over in my head. I think I've got the beginnings in my head for something I want to do with Heaven. I want her to grow and evolve, but I don't want it to be too fast or too forced. She's gotta improve herself naturally. Any other way just wont look right, and will probably screw something else up in the end.

On another note, I think I've pretty much finalized the new cover. We'll see how it looks later on.May need a few more tweaks, but I can worry about that later. So much to do.

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